コラム:パリジェンヌの東京映画レポート2 - 第4回




Angelina Jolie is a woman who doesn’t need to be introduced anymore. This week, the American actress came to Tokyo to present her latest movie “Salt” which will be release in Japanese theatres on July 31st and in which she plays the CIA agent Evelyn Salt who is accused of being a Russian spy. I had the great chance to assist to her press conference, the first one for me…and I wasn’t disappointed!

Everything was perfectly prepared to welcome the international star also called “Angie”. Just before her entrance in the conference room, the photographers and cameramen were installing their equipment and trying a few shoots to have the perfect light and angles. Background music from the movie was in the air.

凄腕CIAエージェントに扮した アンジェリーナ・ジョリー
凄腕CIAエージェントに扮した アンジェリーナ・ジョリー

And then she came, acclaimed by the journalists that where in the room and under a flurry of flashbulbs. She started talking about her children who just love Ponyo. And as funny as it may seem, half of the questions Angelina Jolie was asked to answer were about her children or her private life! Or maybe it’s also simply because Angelina herself refers often to her kids.

With a smile on her face, she told the journalists how her children had fun on the set while playing with fake blood and how she surprised her son Maddox by showing up disguised as an officer (for her film) and how he didn’t recognize her and was shocked afterwards to see his mum like this.

She doesn’t mind talking about her children, on the contrary! She seems to relate everything to her children, but doesn’t want to go into too much detail when it comes to her private life with Brad Pitt: when a journalist asked her something about her relationship with Brad, she didn’t know what to say...”Am I blushing now?” she asked.

27日に行われた来日会見での 黒木メイサとアンジー
27日に行われた来日会見での 黒木メイサとアンジー

And still, this pleasant and beautiful woman, mother of 6 children, plays a tough spy without mercy and “loves stunts”. How come? Who is Jolie? Well, Angelina Jolie is a very multifaceted woman who says she is very funny and silly at home and who on the other side plays in a very convincing way CIA agent Salt. But that’s nothing really new, as she kept proving it through her past relationships, her humanitarian work, and her previous movies.

The thing which is more interesting is what she said about finding a balance in life. She’s multifaceted, not only because of her personality, but because she’s searching for it. That is at least the reason she gives to explain why she chose to act in the movie “Salt”. After Clint Eastwood’s movie “Changeling” and the birth of her twins, she was in a very soft and maternal surrounding and Salt was the occasion for her to balance this with more action and aggression.

And in fact the film doesn’t lack action at all. It is without any doubt an action movie as the numerous stunts and fighting scenes show it. But it has also a deeper morality: it is about finding yourself, about becoming who you are and not who people or society want you to be. But I won’t tell you more about how this is related to Evelyn Salt, it would spoil the surprise about who she is, and this would be a pity! Because it is definitely the strong element of the movie: you don’t know when you’ll finally get the answer to the question “Who is Salt?”…and this until the very end!

The conference ended in the same way as it started: with a flurry of flashbulbs. And Angelina was offered a big bunch of flowers by the Japanese actress, model and singer Meisa Kuroki. After a big hug and posing together, both left the stage and everything returned to normal…Angelina had to get ready for the Tokyo Premiere of Salt on the same day!















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